Boulder Bioscience Leader Takes Job Creation Ideas to Washington

Bennet Invites Clovis Oncology CEO Dr. Patrick Mahaffy to Steering Committee Meeting on Jobs

Dr. Patrick Mahaffy, President and CEO of Clovis Oncology in Boulder, joined Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today at a meeting of the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee on job creation. Bennet invited Dr. Mahaffy as part of his efforts to bring Colorado leaders to Washington to share their ideas and commonsense solutions to the challenges facing the country.

“Colorado has a deeply embedded culture of innovation that has helped establish our state as a destination for new and existing businesses,” said Bennet. “Dr. Mahaffy and his colleagues are generating new ideas and creating jobs in the bioscience industry that will lead us into a 21st century innovation economy. Congress should embrace the ideas of business leaders like Dr. Mahaffy as we look for new ways to spur the economic recovery.”

Dr. Mahaffy participated in a panel with business leaders from across the country. The discussion focused on how their innovative businesses have created jobs in their respective states and how their successes can be duplicated.

In his prepared remarks, Dr. Mahaffy called upon Congress to continue moving forward with reforms at the Food and Drug Administration, preserve funding at the National Institutes of Health, pass meaningful reforms to the nation’s tax code and develop a sound fiscal policy to promote investment in innovative businesses.

Bennet continues to work with Colorado leaders in business and government to build an ecosystem that will support new jobs in new companies based on new technology and new ideas. He recently released a report outlining progress Colorado has made in several areas since Colorado business and academic leaders made recommendations to Bennet, Senator Mark Udall and Governor John Hickenlooper on ideas that can help create an environment in Colorado and the nation where innovators and entrepreneurs can thrive.

Clovis Oncology is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative anti-cancer drugs for specific subsets of cancer populations. Clovis raised two rounds of capital through initial public offerings in less than a year.