Signs onto Package of Bills to Support Our Veterans
Denver, CO – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today announced he is cosponsoring a bill to ensure that troops serving in Iraq receive the same veterans benefits as those who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom before the official end of combat operations. The bill is one piece of a package of bills to support our veterans that Bennet has either introduced or cosponsored.
“Although the President has stated that our combat mission in Iraq has officially ended, we still have tens of thousands of troops serving honorably in a treacherous situation in Iraq. They deserve to receive the veteran benefits they have earned and will continue to earn while they remain overseas,” said Bennet. “Our troops have answered the call of duty and have dedicated themselves to keeping us safe, and we need to assure them and their families that we recognize their risks and sacrifice.”
The bill would ensure that those serving in Operation New Dawn in Iraq, as well as members of their families, will continue to receive the same veteran benefits as those who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. These benefits include eligibility for VA hospital service and health, mental health and nursing home care. The bill is supported by the National Guard Association of the United States, the American Legion and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
“With nearly 50,000 men and women still in harm’s way under Operation New Dawn, it is essential that they receive the exact same level of care and support that troops who served under Operation Iraqi Freedom do. Congress must continue to treat every servicemember equally, and this bill is a vital starting point to do so. Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) commends Senator Bennet for showing such critical leadership, and strongly supports this legislation,” said Paul Rieckhoff, Executive Director and Founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
Additionally, Bennet is cosponsoring a bill to ensure that all those eligible for retroactive pay for their service while in stop-loss status have time to learn about these funds and apply. The deadline for application to file claims would be extended one year to Oct. 21, 2011. He also is cosponsoring a resolution designating December 18, 2010, as “Gold Star Wives Day” to honor surviving spouses and family members whose loved ones died while on active duty or from a service-connected disability.
Bennet has also introduced two bills to help service members when they return home. One bill would continue the Wounded Warrior Career Demonstration Program for five more years and expand it to nine additional sites. The bill could help more than 1,200 wounded soldiers receive career training and find work. A second bill would ensure all service members leaving the Armed Forces participate in the Transition Assistance Program, which would be improved by including tailored employment training and enhanced information on educational assistance programs and VA health care benefits.