Bennet Applauds USDA Lamb Products Purchase

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today applauded the announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) that it will make available up to $5 million to purchase lamb products for federal food nutrition assistance programs, including food banks. The purchase will help Colorado sheep ranchers who continue to face challenges from plunging lamb prices, higher costs, and a severe drought.

“Colorado’s agriculture industry continues to confront an array of challenges in the face of ongoing severe drought conditions and various market fluctuations,” Bennet said. “The USDA purchase of lamb products will help our sheep ranchers during this period of uncertainty. It also underscores the need for Congress to reconcile the Senate- and House-passed Farm Bills to send to the president to be signed into law.”

Drought conditions continue to negatively affect Colorado’s livestock industry. In July 2012, Bennet highlighted how the dry conditions are affecting producers in Colorado. He has also consistently pushed for passing a full five-year Farm Bill that includes crucial tools to help ranchers and all agriculture producers manage the drought.

For more information or purchase details, interested suppliers should contact, in writing: Contracting Officer, USDA/AMS Commodity Procurement Staff, Stop 0256, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; telephone (202) 720-4517; or visit the AMS website at