Washington, D.C. - Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today announced several new staff additions to his Washington, D.C. and Colorado offices.
"We are fortunate to have these outstanding additions to our state, policy, and communications teams," Bennet said. "Not only do they bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the table, but they also will be committed advocates for the people of Colorado."
Bennet added the following staff to his Washington, D.C. office:
Charlie Anderson joins Bennet's staff as a Senior Advisor, responsible for tax policy and economic policy development. Charlie spent most of the last decade working for President Obama in various capacities, including in the White House Domestic Policy Council, at the Treasury Department, and, most recently, as a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Senior Advisor to the Director of the White House National Economic Council.
Candace Vahlsing joins Bennet's staff as a Senior Advisor for Energy, Climate, and Environment. She previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor for Energy and Climate Change at the White House Domestic Policy Council and supported the National Security Council. She also has worked in various capacities at the Council on Environmental Quality, President Obama's re-election campaign, and for the California Air Resources Board.
Samantha Slater joins Bennet's staff as Communications Director. Samantha most recently served as the Executive Director of the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. Prior to this position, she served for three years as Rep. Steve Israel's Communications Director. She also has experience working in city government at the New York City Department of Small Business Services, as Press Secretary for Rep. Joe Donnelly from Indiana, and as a journalist for Politico.
Vivek Chilukuri joins Bennet's staff as a Speechwriter and Policy Advisor from the Department of State, where he served as a Speechwriter and Advisor to the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. Previously, he worked at the National Democratic Institute, where he helped support political parties and civil society across North Africa.
Shannon Beckham joins Bennet's staff as a Communications Advisor. Prior to this role, she served as a Speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine during the 2016 campaign, and worked as a speechwriting intern in the White House.
Bennet added the following staff to his Colorado offices:
Lee Swenson joins Bennet's staff as a Senior Advisor on Colorado Rural Policy. Lee recently completed his appointment as State Executive Director of the USDA Colorado Farm Service Agency.
Lily Griego joins Bennet's staff as Colorado Community Liaison after working as the Outreach Director for the Bennet for Colorado campaign. A Colorado native, Lily has worked in both the private sector and public sector, in local and regional governments, focusing on land use and finance.
Sarah Andrews joins Bennet's staff as a Regional Representative covering the Central Mountains Region of Colorado. Previously, Sarah served as Millennial Vote Director and Deputy State Field Director for the Colorado Democratic Party, worked on Hillary Clinton's primary campaign in Iowa, Arizona, and Colorado, and worked as a White House intern.