Denver, CO – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on Senate Joint Resolution 26 from Senator Lisa Murkowski, which is expected to receive a vote in the Senate on June 10:
"The best way to limit carbon pollution is for Congress to pass a comprehensive climate and energy bill. The Murkowski resolution would leave the government powerless to move forward, even if Congress doesn’t act.
“I oppose the Murkowski resolution because it would gut the Clean Air Act – one of our nation's strongest and most effective pieces of legislation. The resolution places politics over science, and would overturn our nation’s new aggressive fuel efficiency standards. Governor Ritter championed those standards in Colorado, and they are projected to save Americans 450 million barrels of oil and $33.3 billion. Senator Murkowski’s resolution would prevent Americans from seeing those savings, increase our dependence on foreign oil and push us off the path to energy independence.
“Instead of debating this misguided resolution, the Senate should move to comprehensive clean energy legislation.”