Student Loan Relief Available for Veterans Misled by For-Profit Colleges

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet is encouraging military veterans to apply for assistance from the Veterans’ Student Loan Relief Fund if they have been defrauded or misled by for-profit colleges and incurred educational debt or are experiencing financial difficulties as a result.

“Many veterans count on their education benefits as the foundation for building a stable and fulfilling career when they leave the military and the great majority of schools are committed to helping veterans reach their goals,” Bennet said.  “There is more to do to make sure that those intending to mislead veteran students are caught and held accountable.  In the meantime, the Veterans' Student Loan Relief fund can provide assistance to student veterans who have been victims of deception.”

The Veterans' Student Loan Relief Fund is open to veterans of all branches of the United States Armed Forces, as well as the Coast Guard, National Guard, and Armed Forces Reserves following service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001 and who have attended proprietary (for-profit) schools at the undergraduate level. Spouses or children of veterans using transferred GI Bill benefits are also eligible.

The application postmark deadline is December 1, 2012.

More information and applications for this program are available now at