Thursday, August 20, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, will continue his "Fighting for Colorado Families" tour with events in Northern Colorado. All times Mountain. Over the August recess,...
Bennet Continues ‘Fighting for Colorado Families’ Tour in Northern Colorado
Tomorrow, Thursday, August 20, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, will continue his "Fighting for Colorado Families" tour with events in Northern Colorado. All times Mountain. Over the...
Bennet Continues ‘Fighting for Colorado Families’ Statewide Tour in Palisade, Grand Junction
Grand Junction, CO - August 15, 2009, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, will continue his "Fighting for Colorado Families" statewide tour with stops in Palisade and Grand Junction. All...
Bennet To DHS: Protect Taxpayer Dollars or Lose Funding
Recent IG Audit Found Serious Weaknesses In How DHS Accounts for Taxpayer Funds - Leads to Waste, Fraud and Abuse Senate Passes Bennet Amendment Requiring DHS to Address the Recommendations in Audit...
Bennet Presses Treasury Secretary on Regulatory Reform Proposal – Pushes for Answers on How New Plan Would Protect Colorado Consumers in Future
Washington, DC - Today, in a hearing before the Senate Banking Committee, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner answered questions on the Obama Administration's proposal to modernize the American...
Bennet Announces New Regional Representative for Northwest Colorado
Denver, CO - Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today announced that Todd Hagenbuch of Phippsburg will be serving as the regional representative for the Northwest Region of Colorado,...
Fiscal Year 2010 Colorado Projects
Each year, I work to ensure that the federal government effectively serves Colorado's needs by funding important projects in our state. I do this by making funding requests to the Senate...
Sen. Bennet Announces New Colorado State Director
Washington, DC - United States Senator Michael Bennet announced today that he has hired Rosemary Rodriguez, Commissioner of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), to replace his current...
Sen. Bennet Announces Locations of Colorado Senate Offices
Washington, D.C. - Today, United States Senator Michael Bennet announced the locations of his Colorado regional Senate offices. These offices - located in Pueblo, Alamosa, Colorado Springs, Fort...
Michael Bennet Sworn-in as United States Senator
Washington, D.C. - Today, during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., Michael Bennet was sworn-in as the junior United States Senator from Colorado. Vice-President Joe Biden administered the oath of...